Observations Journal Asssignment

Start a singing notebook - either digital or by hand (personally, I think by hand is better for that personal connection). You can use this notebook to take notes on reading assignments in addition to using it as an observation journal. Your daily writing and observations of your own singing will support what you are learning and reinforce these concepts. In this notebook, you will include: 

  • 4-5 Days of the week, list which vocal warm-ups, exercises, and repertoire you practice - be sure to include dates & times (i.e. "Evening practice session: November 14th, 1 hour") (Then you can observe whether time of day has any affect on your practicing: maybe you're a morning person (or NOT a morning person). Maybe you can't sing well after drinking a lot of coffee. Maybe your voice loves tomato soup? Consistent written observations help you understand yourself.)  

  • Observations of your own voice during this practice session: HIGHLY encourage recording yourself then listening back and making written observations from the recording. Please take note of the physical feeling in the throat, neck, back, etc. Where were the challenges you faced during practice and what felt (and sounded) successful? 

  • Whenever you start a new piece of repertoire, please write out the text of the poem or lyrics in the original language, the IPA as best you can, and the translation of the words you are singing. NOT the singable translation. Google Translate is very helpful IF you only do a few words at a time. (There should be 3 of these in your notebook by the end of the semester)

  • Acting notes for the poet, character, or just mood notes for yourself - directly correlating with said translations! For Musical Theater or Opera selections, use some of the Uta Hagen 9 Questions to fill in details about your characters. 

Complete and Continue