

Welcome to The Singing Voice course by Body Heart Voice. My name is Liesl, and I am so glad you've decided to learn with me.

For this class, I will give basic outlines of the physical body, vocal exercises, video links, and more. You can complete this online course without any additional books. However, I am but one person! There are many experts in this field, and along the way, I may refer to larger texts with helpful resources. I would like to make a few recommendations for your voice library, should you wish to go more in-depth with your learning throughout this course.

Singing Anatomy/Practice and Application:

  • Scott McCoy: Your Voice, An Inside View
  • James McKinney: The Diagnosis and Correction of Vocal Faults
  • Melissa Malde: What Every Singers Needs to Know About the Body

Artistic Inspiration

  • James Jordan, Nova Thomas, Mark Moliterno: The Musician's Breath
  • Elizabeth Gilbert: Big Magic
  • Julia Cameron: The Artist's Way

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