Vocal Health
Optimizing your Vocal Health
The Basic Dos & Don'ts (for all voice-users, not just singers!)
- DRINK ENOUGH WATER… if there is any ONE thing you can do… drink water. (Usually about 0.5-1.0 oz of water per pound of body weight)
- Don’t SMOKE. Don’t VAPE. Chemicals and smoke don't need to be on your vocal folds.
- Wear a mask when you are sick or at risk (airports, etc).
- Rest and try to get a good night's sleep every night (8 hours!)
- Eat a healthy diet, minimizing highly processed food, artificial chemicals/sweeteners & sugars (inflammatory), alcohol (dehydrating/GERD inducing) & overly salty foods (bloating and heartburn can also mean vocal swelling or reflux acids on your vocal folds).
- Avoid being in loud environments like bars/rock concerts/construction zones. Bring earplugs to prevent vocal strain and tinnitus!
- Practice repertoire effectively and efficiently - quality over quantity.
- Be mindful of your body and voice. If it hurts, go into survival mode: Stop. Think. Observe. Plan.
*when preparing for performances...
- Know when to call the doctor if you need help - if you are ill or vocally injured it is important to weigh risk/benefit.
- Avoid alcohol or other mind-altering substances. Perform with your true-self and from the heart.
- Don't over-sing or change technique because you are in a new space.
- Try to use the same vocal techniques that you practice with your teacher.
- Dairy will not hurt you as a singer (unless you're lactose-intolerant or allergic, just notice how your voice feels after eating anything).
Long Term Health Goals
Being a singer means that you are making music with your body. Staying in good physical health will not only keep you feeling good overall, but improve your singing in the long-run. Cardio is important not just for your heart health, but will help develop your lungs, diaphragm and other breathing muscles. Core strength can help you with breathing as well as being able to perform for long periods of time onstage. Building strength in your knees, hips, and other joints will help prolong your career, life, and ability to stand up with your choir for years to come! Visit your regular doctor for physicals and follow their advice to keep yourself healthy. Take care of your body and it will take care of you!